This system extends over the Provinces of Pordenone and Udine with a small area in the Province of Belluno. Its surface area of 21,461 hectares is enclosed by the river Piave, the higher reaches of the Tagliamento river and by Val Tramontina and Val Cellina. The Dolomiti Friulane e d’Oltre Piave, to give it its full name, is a fairly compact, continuous system of peaks offering breath-taking views over its magical landscape.

Moving from North to South you encounter Mount Cridola (2,581m) and the Monfalconi (Cima Monfalcon di Montanaia 2,548m) peaks, which include the spectacular Campanile di Val Montanaia (2,173m), Spalti di Toro (Cadin di Toro 2,386m) and the Duranno (2,652m) – Cima dei Preti (2,706m) chain.

What makes this system special is its extensive wilderness areas. Here you can marvel at the sheer power of Mother Nature, largely untouched by human interference.

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